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P4PHM >> About Us P4PHM >> About Us
  The Wildlife Industry Association
  The P4PHM is the Bahasa Malaysia acronym for "the Association of Zoo Operators, Breeders, Entrepreneurs and Rearers of Wildlife Malaysia." As the name suggests, we cover industry stakeholders involved in any spectrum of the wildlife industry.
  The Association was formed in July 2012 following the Department of Wildlife and National Park's implementation of the Wildlife Conservation Act 2010 (Act 716), which many felt was rushed through without sufficient engagement in the run-up to its passing by Parliament in December 2010. Industry stakeholders were swamped with what many perceived to be "unfair enforcement" by PERHILITAN, which included the confiscation of wildlife species from zoos barely five months after the law was passed.
  Engaging Relevant Authorities
  The Association succeeded in meeting with the then Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, Datuk Seri Douglas Uggah Embas, to relay its concerns. Most of these issues were subsequently resolved over the next 18 months as authorities included the Association in more regular engagement prior to introducing new regulations.
  These issues include but are not limited to:–
1. Introduction of new formal regulations pertaining to zoo operations, including the lifting of stringent rules for "interactive programs";
2. The review of the "protected status" of common wildlife species and significant revisions in Scheduled wildlife species listings in the WCA 2010 (Act 716); and
3. The review of arbitrarily set fees and charges over the trade, import and export of commonly traded wildlife species.
  Most of these issues were resolved with an industry-wide perspective, allowing other members in the industry a precedent they can rely upon for fairer implementation.
  Keeping Abreast of Change
  While the more impacting issues have been resolved, the Association, nevertheless, continues to engage relevant authorities including PERHILITAN and MAQIS over the smoother implementation of new regulations and guidelines on its stakeholder members. These issues include issues surrounding the "wildlife tagging," which has been prescribed for in the WCA 2010 (Act 716); Invasive Species and other issues.
  Recent laws such as the WCA 2010 (Act 716) and the MAQIS Act 2011 were implemented prior to the existence of the P4PHM. As a result, many stakeholders were caught unawares by these new developments, no matter how good these laws were intended.
  Keeping in mind that "change is the only constant," the Association is nevertheless vigilant to changes in enforcement practices and standards to ensure the rights and interests of its stakeholder members are protected.

Revised October 08, 2014
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